Vimme Learning Gets Results
The numbers don’t lie. Vimme Learning helps students to excel in math, and nowhere is that more evident than in standardized test scores. Here’s how Vimme students have risen to the challenge.
Vimme Schools Rocket Above the State Average
Vimme schools are some of the most math-proficient schools across Indiana. They consistently place well above the state average on ILEARN’s math section.

Vimme Increases Math Proficiency, Year After Year
Vimme Learning celebrates growth at all levels. Long-time Vimme schools continue to see increases in math proficiency from school year to school year.

Vimme Students Show Improvement In Just One Year
Even schools who adopted Vimme Learning at the start of the ‘21-’22 school year have already seen dramatic improvements in math proficiency after just one year.

Real-time results for your classroom.
Vimme Learning is a modern, online math curriculum made for teachers by teachers. It gives you unparalleled access to real-time data, so you can see where your students are struggling and where they’re succeeding — all in the instant they submit their assignments.
Thanks to Vimme’s real-time data, teachers are more informed about their classrooms’ performance, so they can remediate on the spot. It’s a tried and true method to preparing students for success on the standardized test, and the rest of their academic careers.
Thanks to Vimme’s real-time data, teachers are more informed about their classrooms’ performance, so they can remediate on the spot. It’s a tried and true method to preparing students for success on the standardized test, and the rest of their academic careers.

Start seeing results right now. Try Vimme for free.
With our free six-week trial, you can see what a difference Vimme can make for your students. Your free trial includes six weeks of resources for one grade level: